
Training is the most faithful mirror of our organization and our capabilities. As such, we aim to provide a training service of excellence, aligned with our products and solutions. We are a technological school of long tradition, actively betting on telecommunications training in areas as fixed and mobile technologies, convergence, services, platforms and applications, project management, software engineering processes.


We provide strategic consulting services to organizations, helping them to increase operational efficiency in the areas of:

  • Network & Services Architectures.
  • Operations & Business Support Systems.
  • Services Development Strategies.
  • Customer Experience Optimization.


Engineering Services help organizations in the digital economy to take maximum advantage of information and communication technologies (NICT), moving towards a simpler, scalable and cost-effective network and services architecture. Customer’s active involvement is a key issue in every step of our projects, from an initial consulting service to solution deployment, implementation, training, testing and operation support.