The mobile network auditing and optimization service, provided by PLANCEL, directly translated into an improvement of 29% on LTE average downlink user throughput and into an increase of 24% on the daily traffic volume processed on the LTE network, without the necessity of any additional network investment.
Skyband, Malawi’s leading Internet Service Provider takes great pride in providing its customers with the best available services. These services require us to have a well skilled and knowledgeable staff as well as state of the art equipment and a team of highly experienced professionals capable of assisting us with the roll out our FTTH network. From a large number of possible suppliers, we decided to select Altice Labs to provide us with the required equipment. They have not only supplied us with all our GPON active equipment as did they also provide us with roll out assistance and on the job training. Now that the first phase of our FTTH deployment has been completed, we are able to confirm that selecting Altice Labs as our technology provider partner has proved to be the correct decision.